Monday, October 14, 2013

Defying Typhoon Santi at Mt. Manabu

The time in my AVAYA read 4AM. I  quickly wrote the last sentences of my email to my client and I finally hit sent.  I was ready.  I was excited yet startled.  We were set to climb a mountain last Saturday  but  Typhoon Santi circled nearby. Just before I logged out, I took a glimpse of how the weather would look like and it showed something like this:

“A tropical storm barreling toward Luzon intensified into a typhoon on Friday with powerful winds and torrential rains, threatening farmlands and populated areas on the island, including Metro Manila…. Placed under Signal No. 1, indicating winds of 30 to 60 kph,  were Calayan and the Babuyan group of islands, Cavite, Batangas, Laguna, the Lubang islands, Marinduque, the Camarines provinces, northern Mindoro and Catanduanes…. PAGASA said it expected Santi to bring heavy to intense rainfall (7.5 to 30 millimeters per hour) in areas within its 500-km diameter… The weather bureau alerted residents of areas under signals 3, 2, and 1 to possible flash floods and landslides….” ( from

Comforting, Isn’t it? This climb was already scheduled weeks ago.  The initial plan was to climb Pico De Loro as most of them have not been to the mountain yet and they were all alluded by the famed Parrot’s Beak. Then Santi camed. It disrupted our plan. The climb was cancelled as of Friday afternoon as the weather showed no promise. Rob, however was insistent and optimistic. He said that the typhoon was headed towards the north and should not be a big deal as we are here down south. He reached out to me and I was persuaded. I then informed Lhilac to send a message to everyone that the climb would push through but it would have to be in Mt. Manabu in Batangas. I thought that it would only be 3-4 of us who will be joining the climb but I was wronged. I received almost the same number of respondents before the climb was cancelled. Team Ultra Mountaineers ( TUMS) are definitely strong willed people who would go the extremes and come out tough. 

During our bus ride on the way to Lipa, it was raining. The clouds seemed to be getting darker. When we passed by Mt. Makiling, you can barely see it as it was all covered with clouds and fog. We were pretty much convinced that it would be one very wet and wild climb we were bound to experience. Upon alighting the bus, we immediately proceeded to the pedicab  stations that would bring us all the way to the jump off point. When we arrived at the jump off point, there were no other climbers other than us. We were happy on the thought that we have the mountain all to ourselves then for a day.  After some few reminders and last minute check ups, our feet were more than ready to start the climb.

When we started, the rain stopped. We prayed that it would stay the same all throughout our climb and luckily it did. Mt. Manabu could be scaled in just a couple of hours but we intended this to be a relaxed and a real fun climb. We savored every step we made on the trails. We exchange conversations as we hiked and never run out of topics to talked about. Most of the time, we often laughed our hearts out.  With Rob being around , photo opportunities are not something to be missed out. This time, he was  more than prepared. Aside from his usual point and shoot digital camera, he brought a Go Pro Camera with him. Aside from the photos, we now  have videos to boost our adventure in Mt. Manabu.  At the onset of the climb, everyone was extra careful not to stain their shoes with mud and eventually get wet. We were creative in making our own routes when the trail proved to be murky and even hopped from one point to another to avoid  the obstacle. Somewhere in between, the trail ahead of us left us with no options for shortcuts so we gave up. We braved the mud and water and charged it to experience.  With the challenging trails, “slide moments” would not be missed out. Everyone agreed that Lhilac emerged as the champion with her 360 rolling moment near the summit as we head down with Rob as the runner up. 

When we finally reached the summit, we were thankful that we were blessed with commanding views despite the weather forecast for that day. Being the nth time visitor of this mountain, I pointed out the different mountains that can be viewed from the top and highlighted to them Mt. Malipunyo as being my first mountain that I have conquered way back in 2007. We shared the same feeling that nothing beats the satisfaction of reaching the summit most especially if shared with good friends. Further, just like any other climbs, future plans on climbing other mountains are usually conceptualized on a climb itself.  A number of mountains have been suggested but we aim to do one major climb before the year ends and hopefully , it would be an overnight climb so they too can experience how it is to camp out in the mountain.


After the climb, we treated ourselves to a Lomi Special of Batangas. Tasteful Indeed.

Having accomplished this climb, we don’t discount that it would always be safety first and disregard any weather forecast from our weather bureau. Safety is always of prime importance. Perhaps, we were just crazy enough to push through with our adventure or probably we were good in calculating the risks involved with this climb that we ended up reaping the best rewards in the end.

We defied the odds brought about by Typhoon Santi. An act of defiance usually leads to regret but this escape gave us immense satisfaction and delight. 

TUMS. Climbing the highest. Running the Longest. Surviving the toughest. This is our trademark. More than just living up to our statement last weekend, we had the time of our lives. We are TUMS. Proud to be one. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

TUMS. Typhoon Santi. Mt. Manabu.

Climbing a mountain is not a typical response when storm signal has already been raised. But TUMS are good calculators of risk that we know when to expect the best rewards.

TEam Ultra Mountaineers Adventure at Mt. Manabu will be posted here soon. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Mt. Amuyao Recall

When OLAYS find the time to reunite either in the mountains or in the metro, someone would always ask if we are ready to go back to Mt. Amuyao? Instead of giving a straight YES or NO answer , we usually respond with statements like, “ Grabe yung Amuyao na yun”, “Haggardo Versoza” , or the famed expression “Umayaw sa Amuyao”.  With these testimonials, one can infer that we did had a one hell of experience in that mountain. I even said to myself right after  I took my last step at the exit point after finishing the traverse that this mountain is officially on my list on the Mountains Not To Revisit.  Hands on the waist, I smiled and I sighed.

6 Years had passed and I may not be able to recount the nitty gritty of our adventure but I can surely provide the Top 10 Reasons why there is a love- hate relationship between me and Amuyao. 

1. We arrived at the jump off point at Barlig, Mountain Province and it was raining.  I once learned that rain is a form of blessing and I thought that it was a symbol of welcoming us and would later subside. Oh boy, I was wrong.  The rain was consistent all throughout our trek . It chose to accompany us all the way to the summit and it has a direct relationship with the height of the mountain. The higher the elevation, the greater the amount of rainfall. Just our luck. 

2. I thought  I was walking the stairways to heaven. It was an all ascend slope and I can’t recall if there were even gradual slopes. If there were any, they were so minimal that I can’t pull them out of my memory. We spent hours walking and most of us carried huge backpacks. At the first part of the trek, I was still ecstatic. Every now and then I would asked  “Are we there yet?” and looked up at the trail ahead. Towards the end, I fall into silence and focused on just my small steps as I was convinced that it would still be a long way to go and looking at the degree of inclination of the distance ahead was not really helpful.

3. We started with the group being intact but adding the factors of the trail, weather and the weight
of our backpacks, we created micro groups.  At first, the group was divided into two but as the trek progressed, we were further subdivided into smaller groups and even individuals. We were climbing at our own pace and it was like playing “ the boat is sinking, group yourselves into two and then three.” I was just finding humor amidst the condition. We arrived at the summit at different intervals. The first group was even hours apart from the last pack. I was one of the those at the middle of the pack. It came to a point that we even planned to do an emergency camp before reaching the summit as we were all exhausted. We had foods in the bag so we thought that should be enough to get us through the night and since there were no flat areas to pitch our tents, we planned on wrapping ourselves inside the garbage bags  to give us warmth before daylight. The irony of this plan was that it was conceptualized within few meters away from the summit. With exhaustion, our vision was impaired that we were not able to see the satellite looming at the distance. The satellite is the summit's marker. With the vision impaired and so is the judgment. 

4. Arriving at the summit, we were lucky enough that we can be accommodated in the bunkhouses. We stayed inside rather than sleeping at our tents. Plus, I find it challenging to pitch the tent outside as the wind was strong and area was mostly cemented. Inside the bunkhouse, we got to refuel our energy and prepare for the next days ahead as we traverse the mountain.

5. Spectacular. Outstanding. Amazing. These words are even understatement as to the views that Mt. Amuyao offered from its summit. The view of the sea of clouds and surrounding mountains made us forget the challenges we had from the other day and it was a perfect opportunity to had a moment with yourself and with mother nature.

6. As we descended on the other side, we thought it would be fairly easy  but the adventure was just getting started. What we experienced from the other day was just nothing compared to what lay ahead. There were trails when it was  just all descend and you would be happy as you would not reach the maximum capacity of your lungs compared when you are climbing up. But if you are doing this for hours, you would pity your knees and for some of us, they chose to go down by sliding on their butts.

7. We even passed on paths in which the trail easily erodes that lead to the most unforgettable moment of 

my life. I passed on that part of the trail and I fell on the side with few meters down.  I thought it would be the last moment of my life but thankfully, there were some plants and trees that I was able to grab on to that helped me pushed myself back to the top. The trees had thorns and I didn’t mind that as I was hanging on for my dear life. I survived without any fractures but the bruises on my face , arms and legs were testimonies that I won the battle.  With that incident, I was very careful in the next steps I took but it was not sufficient learning experience for everyone as some had their fair share of experience of the fall. Some were even worse than what I had.  Everytime we passed a trail that’s too steep and narrow, we usually exclaimed “Here we go again.”

8. Overtimes are not just for work. These words can become available when climbing as well. During our Amuyao Traverse, we never had a chance to rest before sunset. We were still walking even at 8 PM even though we started on time. We even had an emergency camp on the second day as we were still far from Cambulo Village where we were supposed to spend the night. We chose a location that is flat and near the water source for an emergency campsite. We tried to squeeze all our tents on that small areas so we can rest for the night. When we woke up the following day, we thought that the emergency camp location was a blessing as it was situated between two mountains with the view of rice terraces in between.

9. Feeling exhausted for the past two days, we were eager to get this done until we reach the Batad
Rice Terraces. Prior to reaching the viewpoint , we were motivated to walk fast so we can rest at the shedhouse before finally proceeding to the exit point.  What surprised us when we reached the viewpoint was the panoramic view of rice terraces. The guides mentioned that the shed house was just a rest stop and failed to inform us that we can see the hidden beauty of Batad Rice Terraces from there as it was meant as a surprise for us. It was indeed a good rest with the best views in front of us.  What I was only able to see in postcards was a reality  in front of my eyes and to complete the experience of the rice terraces , we literally walk on them. 

10.Our guides said that from the viewpoint, exit point would be near but he did not mentioned that it would be another ascend so it is another enduring walk to the top where our rented jeepney awaited us. I carried the views of Batad Rice Terraces in my mind so I would not be able to mind the painful walk to exit. To top it all, stairs was the finale before reaching the exit. 

The Amuyao experience was tough most especially that I was a newbie then. It was a test not just of the physical strength but as well as the emotional and mental aspects of our being. It molded our character and the mountaineers that we are today. 

Throw me the question if I want to climb Mt. Amuyao again. This time, no more beating around the bushes. Ill give you a straightforward answer. And it would be, " Oh hell, yes!"

Credits: Thanks to Sir Maykol for some of the photos in this blog

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Osmeña Peak Traverse to Kawasan Falls

Having to work for a BPO industry right after College stripped me of the privileges of enjoying Holidays.  When some of my friends are out on a vacation because of a long weekend, I found myself in the office driving productive results so as to meet the management needs. My friends are getting the highs of their lives while I am stuck with a lot of sighs.  Fast forward to my life this year, I was given the opportunity to work for a company who is an advocate of work-life balance which I am grateful for.  We still work during Philippine Holidays but we are off from work during US Holidays.  As an outdoor person, this is one great news. More chances to seek adventure. 

I had my taste of such privilege last weekend. I had three day off since Monday( May 27) is a Memorial Day. I was considering of going back to Bukidnon as I am fascinated with the altitude of their mountains but at the last minute I decided to go to the Queen City of the South. I did a lot of climbs in Luzon and Mindanao since I started mountaineering but I was only able to climb one mountain in the Visayas Region. The holiday was a perfect privilege for me to  seek adventure in Cebu and I have decided to climb its highest peak which is the Osmeña Peak and traversing it to Kawasan Falls. 

I took the first flight out going to Cebu last Sunday.  The plane ride was so smooth that I arrived in Cebu earlier than scheduled.  I met Jonathan, a former colleague of mine from PeopleSupport who is now based on Cebu and his friend Macky in IT Park before proceeding to the South Terminal.   We boarded the Ceres bus bound for Oslob.  Instead of catching some sleep, we managed the 2 hour bus ride by exchanging conversations about the mountains, outdoors, runs and adventure.  We alighted at municipality of  Dalaguete and hopped on a habal habal immediately to take us to the foot of the mountain. It was not my first habal habal ride experience but I was loving it for varied reasons – It was my first habal habal ride in Cebu. Second, I enjoyed the views along the way and I never thought that Cebu has something like these to offer.  Further, as we move  up with our ride, I felt the cold breeze embracing me and it is just what I need amidst this humid summer weather. Lastly, this ride is taking me all the way up to the jump off point which would just be 20-30 minutes away from the summit.  Now, who wouldn’t be thankful and loving the ride. Some adventure enthusiasts would start from Mantalongon Market which is still some distance away from the mountain. They would buy provisions first before heading to the summit. Since we are doing a dayhike traverse to Kawasan Waterfalls, Macky suggested that we start the hike from the jump off itself so we can manager our time better.  If I have to go back here and spend an overnight in the mountain, I would start from Mantalongon Market but if If I have to go back here and train for a trail run, I would start from the highway where we alighted from the bus. 

It was a Sunday so when we arrived at the jumpoff point, there were a number of visitors to the mountain.  Getting off from the habal habal, we started the hike immediately.  I didn’t have much sleep prior to the climb but we were able to ascend to the summit from the jumpoff point in 14 minutes. I would attribute this to the adrenaline rush triggered by my excitement. Upon arriving at the summit, I was stunned to see the magnificent views that caught my eyes.  The hills surrounding the area resembles that of the Chocolate Hills of Bohol.  Fog enveloped some of those hills but you can still see through it the obscured views of Negros and Bohol Islands.   Macky pointed out where we started and where  we were headed and my response was just “Amazing.”   The summit is similar to that of Mt. Batulao in Batangas as It serves as a perfect viewing deck for its guests. We spent an ample time at the summit enjoying the moment and for some photo opportunities.  I had fun doing some “rock climbing” near the summit which was a little risky but was rewarded with closer views of the surrounding hills.  I was  simply having the time of my life when I stood at the highest point in  Cebu.  When other guests started to flock the summit and when we realized that it was still a long way to go to Kawasan Falls, we decided to go down.

The expectation set by Macky  for us to traverse to Kawasan Falls was around
3 hours.  The journey would seem so long but you would not feel it that way when you are in a blissful mode.  Along the way, you will see houses of the locals and to my amazement they have electricity. I figured that out when we bought some drinks and they served it iced cold.  We also saw vegetable plots along the way . I am not good with vegetable identification so I cant name them here.  I was surprised that I saw pine trees there.  The vegetable plots and pine trees reminded me of the trails leading to Benguet’s peaks. The path leading to Kawasan Falls was an alternate of rough road trail and forest trail.  This is why I was able to build on the idea that this is a perfect place for a training run.  We passed by their water source and I did not pass up on the chance to taste the natural water of Cebu.  As we are nearing the waterfalls,  there is a vantage point where you can see the Tañon Strait and the Negros Island before we entered the forest area again leading to the falls.  When  I was able to hear the sound of the gushing water and before I could say anything,  right in front of me was the Kawasan Waterfalls. I didn’t have second thoughts  on jumping into its cold and clear water as it was a perfect reward after long hours of walking.  

We arrived on what they call the “source” of the waterfalls. Jonathan said that not everyone who are visiting Kawasan have the chance to get to the “source” of Kawasan Falls.  For those doing the Osmeña Peak Traverse, they would pass by the source and 2 other waterfalls below it before they head out to the main road. I learned that for those who would want to visit the Kawasan Falls the easier way, they just have take a bus ride from the South Terminal and alight at the Matutinao Church and there is a road right beside it that is leading to the waterfalls. From this trail, only some go to the extent of going up to the second waterfalls and eventually to the “source” as there are portions that require a steep ascend and those who are not physically active would not appreciate it.  Thus, they settle for the first waterfalls where they can unwind, swim and relax. These chain of waterfalls reminded me of the Mambucal Waterfalls in Murcia which is also a perfect sidetrip if you are dong the Kanlaon Traverse from Guintubdan – Wasay Traverse.  Kawasan has three waterfalls while Mambucal has seven.  When we descended to the next waterfalls, you will notice that there are a lot of people as opposed to the ones in source.
When we arrived at the second waterfalls, there were several cottages where you could rent  and they were all occupied. I had the chance to stand on a bamboo raft for some picture taking although I didn’t take a dip. Should I be back here, it will be in my bucket list to ride the raft going to the waterfalls and jump into the water but with a lifejacket on as I don’t know how to swim.  When I arrived at the  first waterfalls,  I heard people shouting, laughing their hearts out and all eyes on the waterfalls.  I looked at the direction where their visions are and found out that one of the bamboo raft where it carried a number of people is losing its balance so it ended up throwing people into the water. Several attempts were made to balance the raft but were unsuccessful so  it seemed like it was a somehow a show for the spectators.  After the first waterfalls, we head out to the main road where we would ride the bus to the city.

On our way out, you would see the water reservoir and the water on the sides

are still clear.  We passed by a store that sells “ice tubig”.  I was amazed how it was set up. I thought that when you buy one, one would just hand out a water from the refrigerator, cut open the plastic by your teeth and drink it. But it does not work that way. There is a water dispenser and on the side hangs the plastics where you would fill it with water. Before inserting a coin to the dispenser, your other hand should already be positioned on the where the water flows so that when the coin drops, water would flow down to the plastic.  I was amazed because I’ve never seen one in Manila.  I thought that the way out was long but after some minutes  I was already able to see the main road which  marked the end of our adventure. We treated ourselves to a lunch a nearby carinderia and ice candy from a vendor.

From the GPS of Jonathan, it recorded a total of 15.7 KMS from the jump off

point of Osmeña Peak to the main road after the Kawasan Waterfalls.  On a long weekends and holidays, I prefer to have motion rather being stationary at the comfort of my home.  For every kilometer I logged, I am a step closer to adventure and an opportunity to visit the wonderful places we have in our country. This weekend I am glad I did the Osmeña Peak Traverse to Kawasan  Waterfalls. Was it worth it? INDEED.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


As promised, this is the continuation of my climbs for 2012. Majority of the list would be the major climbs that I had. 


Mt. Kalawitan was the first major climb I had for 2012. Imelda invited me on a short notice to climb this mountain and I was only able to give my final confirmation days before the actual climb date. Mt. Kalawitan was new name to me so before the climb I researched more information about it. I learned that this mountain is the new top 10 in terms of elevation in the Philippines bumping off Mt. Amuyao in the rank. It is my goal to climb all the top ten mountains in the country. Ive scaled Mt. Amuyao in 2007 but if this is the new top ten, then Mt. Kalawitan should be added to my bucket list and marked with a check. I really enjoyed the climb with its scenic views and trails. As indicated in my post on Mt. Kalawitan, this was a kickoff for all the climbs in 2012. 

Full details of my Kalawitan climb here - >


It was my second time to be on this mountain but on both occasions, I was able to spent it with my OLAY family. It was my secod visit but I was able to do a lot of firsts that time. It was my first time to take a plunge at Papaya River and enjoyed every moment of it. It was also my first time to summit it as on my first visit, we were just contented in staying at the campsite area as we were already contented with the views from that point. This also led to further explorations in the area and some distance from the summit and we were surprised that this mountain has a lot to offer. With a number of mountaineers attempting to climb it on that day , we were also the first group to arrived on the campsite area as opposed to my first visit in which we were one of the last groups as we started almost noon already. Being the first group to had arrived, we set up our tents inside the forest area which was a first for us and it was a very good location just in case of rain and protection for our tents in case against strong winds. Climbing with my OLAY family is always LOVE. 


One of the unforgettable things I had with my first visit to Mt. Makiling was my encounter with the Limatiks. It was a bloody battle with these creatures. Since then, I always hesitated to climb this mountain until I agreed to do a dayhike traverse from Sto. Tomas to Los Baños with Sir Daile and Mike O. The experience changed my perception about the mountain and I can confidently say that I would be willing to be visit this mountain any time.  On my second visit, I won the battle over the limatiks as they were not able to suck even a small amount of blood from my body. 

Full details of my Makiling Traverse here - >


Most major climbs outside Metro Manila are carefully planned months in advance but this climb to Mt. Apo was an impromptu one.  I woke up one day and I miss my climbing buddy from Bukidnon, Sheng and the mountains of Mindanao so I called her that we need to climb together again to which she also agreed in a heartbeat. We decided to climb Mt. Apo via Kapatagan - Kidapawan trail. It was our second time to be in this mountain but the godfather of the Philippine Mountains welcomed us with open arms as we were offered with a perfect weather all throughout the climb. 


Mt. Pulag is dubbed as the playground of the gods and famous for its breathtaking views and scenic clouds. Now why would I post a photo of mine from the DENR? Simple. We didn't have a clearing that time. On my first visit to this mountain, it was all hands down for me as I was able to witness the beauty of Mt. Pulag.  It was almost three years after that I decided to visit this mountain as some of the friends I had are itching to visit it because of the stories they have heard and the photos they saw online. Last year's visit was Anna's second attempt to climb Pulag but still failed to see the its grandeur. Her first visit last November 2011 which was my second one did not also lived up to her expectations as it was raining all throughout the climb. I even kid her that she might have "balat sa pwet" thats why it was always a fail for her and she would just laughed on it. She is planning to climb Pulag again this year and I am really crossing my fingers tight that she would finally see what Mt. Pulag is famous for. 


Everytime I remember this climb, I couldnt help but laugh on the misadventures that we had. Tayak Hill was just a product of the failed attempt to climb Mt. Cristobal. We intended to do a Cristobal Dayhike Traverse since we started late from the jump off and we were running in circles at the foot of Cristobal since Sir Daile who was our lead could not remember the correct path going up. We just then decided to abort the Cristobal climb and kill time at the summit of Tayak Hill. When the locals saw at the registration area saw us on the way down, they said , " Ang bilis nyo a." We just answered in all smiles, " Naligaw po kasi kami." And that was very classic. 


This was the revenge of the failed climb. I first ascended Mt. Cristobal way back October 2007 and doing a comeback after almost 5 years would be very nice. We did a dayhike traverse on this mountain starting from the Tayak side and it proved to be challenging. When I climbed this in 2007, it was an overnight climb and we descended the trail going to Tayak and not ascended through it. The trail from Tayak  was a continuous ascend to the summit and we finally reach the summit after almost 4 hours. Doing this as  dayhike and from the Tayak side was daring but it was very rewarding. 


This was my first solo climb and exploration. I was just wanting to climb then and was missing the mountains of the north so I gave in to the calling.  With just courage and printed information of the mountain from Pinoymountaineer website, I attempted to climb Osdung and it proved to be successful.

Full details of my Osdung climb here - >


Wrapping up the list is Mt. Bulusan. Last October 2011, I was in Bicol because i climbed Mt. Masaraga and Mayon. October of last year I was in the same region but this time, I scaled the active Mt. Bulusan in Sorsogon. This was one of the invites of Imelda which I am glad I agreed to join. The weather was not so perfect during our climb but the experience and the chance to meet new friends was something I treasure. This climb made me do try kayaking. Ive mentioned before that I am no fan of the water and since everyone was willing to do the kayak, I was pressured to also do it. The only safety net that I had was my life jacket which somehow boost my confidence. After successfully crossing the Bulusan lake, I found myself doing it again and again. 

25 climbs for last year on 14 mountains. It was an average of approximately 2 climbs per month. These were my climb statistics for 2012. I may or may not exceed this number this year but I am always looking to forward to climb because apart from the adrenaline rush, it is a life statement for me.